To-Do Lists Are Powerful: Spending a few minutes at night to create a to-do list is extremely hard to do. It takes discipline. But it usually leads to a more productive day.
This also helps you be more intentional about your days.
Appreciate Your Work; But Don’t Get Over Confident: In the Summer of 2021, I turned a $3K investment in $ETC, the original Ethereum before it forked, to $100K. At the time, I sold $50K worth. It was the biggest single return of capital in my life.
Coming off that win, I deployed some capital into investments I am proud of and some into shitty assets.
As I’m looking to have more cash on hand today, I wish I was more appreciative about that big capital gain (possibly selling even more $ETC), and more thoughtful where I re-deployed some of the gains.
Communicate Openly: Have the deep and meaningful conversation. Ask the pointed question. Mention the thing you have been thinking to say.
What are you reflecting on and what do you want to work on?